
North Caddo Magnet High is best described as a rural high school located in Vivian, Louisiana. We service the surrounding communities of Oil City, Belcher, Ida, Rodessa, Hosston and Mira. North Caddo offers a diverse curriculum with emphasis on student achievement.

Courses by Department

AP* – Advanced Placement: The College Board’s Advanced Placement courses are college-level classes in a wide variety of subjects that students can take while still in high school. DE* – Dual Enrollment: A program of study allowing high school students to earn credits simultaneously towards a high school diploma and a postsecondary degree. Teachers on NC campus teach DE courses through local colleges & universities (i.e. BPCC, LSUS, LATech, Southern University)

Bossier Parish Community College – open campus! Free on-line classes click here for more information.